Captured And Broken Luna

Captured And Broken Luna

Autor:Goodness Chiamaka



“I was so shocked when his strong arm grabbed my slim curvy waist and he held me up and slammed me unto the wall. I would admit; he was so handsome and I didn't bargain for this. He spoke to me about mating and I shivered... No! He wanted to have sex with me, and his eyes spoke it all“ **** Luna Lawson, the last princess left of Sunfield Kingdom. The city was destroyed and burnt to ashes by the dragons. They were superior beings and ruled over the lands. The almighty King of dragons, King Mikel Diego kidnapped the human females and what he used them for; Luna Lawson didn't know. He was dangerous and a killer. Will Luna be able to get her revenge and kill this handsome, ruthless dragon king, or would she fall in love with him? Read to discover.

**Luna Lawson**

I woke up to the smell of burnt wood. As I looked around the town, I knew the dragons had invaded our village again. I was running, slaying every single damn dragon creature that had invaded our lands. First, they killed my father, who was the king; now they were abducting all the females of our kind.

The humans were beautiful, which was why we never left the tower gate or went hunting. It was mostly the men who hunted and returned home to feed us.

How long were we going to continue running and hiding from these beastly creatures that could shapeshift into humans and dragons and fly? Someone had to stop them, but who? I asked myself as I turned back, dressed like the male warrior I was not. My other five sisters had all been taken away, and I was the only surviving daughter and heir to the Sunfield Kingdom.

Burning with rage, I stopped and removed my sword to face the dragons. I was trained as a male because my father didn’t have a son, and my mother lost hope after my birth and killed herself. I had to muster the courage to train as the son my father never had, as those beastly dragons could not be killed easily due to their strong skin.

I waited for the dragons to show up, knowing they had returned to this new hideout of ours to kidnap the females again. Everything they wanted was to mate with us human females, but how did the females they had previously captured survive?

Obviously, it wasn’t that they agreed to sleep with a dragon man and conceive a dragon baby. They were forced, and I could not imagine what those dragons did to the young, pretty females they had captured.

They didn’t capture the ugly ones; of course, our women weren’t ugly. Yet still, they weren’t satisfied with all the women they had captured, as they kept returning for more.

The first day they came into our palace, they killed and burned down the guards. I wasn’t home; I had gone for training where I learned to fight like a man.

It seemed the rumors had reached the dragon king’s ears that the human ruler had a lot of pretty daughters, and he targeted my family.

All five of my sisters were gone, and I knew there was no hope of them returning home.

The Sunfield palace burned to ashes when I was only fifteen years old.

Now I am twenty-two years older. I tied a bandana around my head and put on my warrior clothes. Picking up my bow and arrows, I fixed them into their respective places on my manly attire and went out, holding my sword up high to face the dragons again.

These dragons terrorized the whole town, thinking the humans were weaklings. I couldn’t even differentiate the dragons from our men; it was difficult, and that was how intruders invaded our lands, as the dragon men were also handsome.

Some were dark, while others were yellow, and their skin was enchanting and sparkling, like a shining glass surface.

I had trained to study the dragon men, and because I dressed like a man, I hadn’t been captured yet.

Our men fought pretty well, but they were still no match for the dragons, who breathed fire. Whenever the dragons invaded, the men allowed them to take their daughters away without doing anything to stop them. But no! Enough of the cries.

"Stop there!" I commanded, and the two dragons turned to face me.

"Eh, mister! Get out of our way. We are here for the pretty females, not masculine men like you. Now move aside before I burn you to ashes."

"Hmm." My eyes darkened at one of the dragons who spoke to me; I had golden-colored eyes that burned with anger.

In a swift motion, I somersaulted forward and sliced the dragon man by his throat, killing him instantly. He let out a shrill cry, but as his companion wanted to burn me alive while he was shocked, I sliced him too, killing them both and rescuing my people.

"Hurry! We have to leave this village. If the other dragons find out these two didn’t return to their king, we will be in grave danger, with a battalion of dragons chasing after us!" I screamed, watching the people staring at me in shock.

"Thank you, sir, for saving our daughters. May the land bless you and be in favor of you..."

I watched the elderly men sing praises, and I yelled, "This is no time for praises! Hurry up and let’s leave."

We had been traveling since our lands were destroyed, yet these dragons didn’t want to give up on capturing us. They wanted to enslave our kind and deny us the freedom we deserved.

We slept and woke up every day in fear, running away from the flying creatures that could sense our kind, letting out their tongues to explain how delicious our women were to them.

I had no time to dress like the female I was. Even though I was pretty, I wore my coverage, not wearing a bra underneath my armor to hide how big my breasts were. That was the dragons' first major target: the female chest.

None knew I was a female, and I made no friends either.

I thought to stop the capture of our people and devised a solution: to kill their dragon king and queen. That way, it would send all the dragons fleeing in fear of humans. I decided to remove my disguise when another set of dragons came to capture our females.

I thought of showing them my body as that would be my weapon of mass destruction to eliminate those silly dragons.

I was tall, sexy, curvy, and had a flat stomach with a big backside. My buttocks were noteworthy, as I had a naturally large, round backside. However, because I trained so hard, day and night, mastering the art of sword fighting, I had no time to show off my beauty as the last princess of the Sunfield Kingdom.

But my mind was made up; either we continue running or I take action.

After finding a nearby camp, the people were all happy to have a new dragon slayer to protect them, but I wasn’t happy. I had to avenge the loss of my parents, the disappearance of my sisters, and fight for the next generation to have their freedom.

This was my plan. That same night, some dragons returned to the new camp, breathing fire around us and burning down the tents, ensuring none of us escaped as they flew down.

They were black dragons who shapeshifted back into human form. My eyes burned with anger as I stood among my people, unafraid, while one of the dragons walked up to us and stopped in front of me.

"Who among you killed our men?" a dragon man questioned. The people were visibly shaking, and I could feel their eyes on me, as they weren’t ready to be burnt to ashes.

"I did..." A man stepped forward, holding his sword. The handsome black dragon-man standing in my view narrowed his eyes at the man, then smirked and walked around him.

"You?" He laughed scornfully as he circled the visibly shaking man. "I doubt you're the one. Do you actually think you can lie to us? For the last time, who beheaded our men? You can see I came here with my sword; the same treatment given to us will be given to you all if you don't bring out the warrior who killed our guards."

"I did..." I finally spoke, not trying to hide my voice this time. I saw the dragon man turn to face me.

"You..." He strode closer and sniffed around me, as if he could perceive my scent.

"I knew you were a woman hiding in disguise. How interesting!" he smirked.


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