School Security

School Security

Autor:Regansi Sunshine


Steamy Stories

What started out as innocent greetings turned to lustful daydreams and progressed to nights of passion. Ivory was impressed when the security guard outside her daughter's school noticed that she was dressed more simply one day than her usual work wear. She explained that she was just going in a little later. From there they continued to exchange a quick smile, "Good morning," or "Have a nice day." One day Ivory and her daughter were running behind schedule. Razvan noticed this too "Cutting it a little close today." Ivory smiled but had to hurry off. Some time passed before they were able to cross paths again, her daughter's school made some parking and drop off changes. As Ivory was leaving the school lot, Razvan stopped her and said "I miss seeing you in the morning." All Ivory could do was kind of smile, she truly didn't know what to say.

One morning as Ivory and her daughter were walking up to her daughter's school, Ivory noticed a new security guard keeping watch over things. He was attractive, but Ivory is married and doesn't want to create waves or problems in her marriage. She's done it before and doesn't want to repeat history. Ivory noticed that he did not have a name tag or badge so she couldn't learn his name. He nodded at her to acknowledge the presence of her and her daughter. Ivory kissed her dauther's head, told her to have a good day and they both turned to go their opposite directions.

This was their routine for some time. After a while, the security guard began to give a little smile and wave, say "Good morning" or "Have a nice day". All innocent and Ivory was comfortable with this. One morning Ivory and her daughter were walking up to the school. Ivory had on a pair of denim capris and a regular t-shirt. As they approached the school door near the security guard, he said "Dressed a little more casual today, I see." Without really thinking Ivory briefly explained "I'm going in to work a little later today." He nodded, Ivory turned and left. As she was walking back to her vehicle she was impressed that he'd noticed. How many parents and students does he see every morning and he happened to pick up on that Ivory was dressed her usual dress casual work attire.

The next morning it was as if nothing had transpired the day before, it was the same routine for Ivory and her daughter, the security guard gave his usual nod and wave and they all carried on as if nothing had happened. A couple weeks later Ivory and her daughter were running very behind schedule. They were walking up to the school doors seconds before the final bell rang. The security guard tapped his watch and said "Cutting it close today." Ivory just gave an apologetic smile and rushed away, she was going to be late for work. Again as she was walking back to her vehicle she was impressed that he'd noticed they were running late. Going back to the thought of how many parents and students he sees every day, he is able to pick up on that she was running late plus the bell ringing was a dead giveaway.

Weeks went by without anything further happening or being said. Suddenly the school decided it was going to stop allowing cars to park on the side road where Ivory had been parking and then walking her daughter up to school. After going through the car rider line that morning Ivory noticed that some cars were parked behind the school on a different side street. The security guard was now keeping watch as this change transpired. So the next morning Ivory parked there too and still got to walk her daughter up to school. The following morning the gate that Ivory and her daughter were used to being open and walking through was no longer open. They walked the longer way up to the school doors. A couple days later Ivory parked behind the school, walked her daughter to the doors and was walking back to her vehicle, the security guard stopped her.

Ivory's heart dropped she thought he was going to lecture her because she had been one of two parents that was technically disobeying and still walking their kids to the doors. "How far back did you have to park?" He asked. Not wanting to get in trouble or give herself away she simply replied "Not to far," and started to take a step to carry on with her day. Stopping her by continuing to talk, surprised at first, Ivory wasn't listening to what he was saying. She snapped out of the slight shock and started listening. He was talking about how much likes this job, he used to be a police officer for the local county sheriff but it was stressful. Now he gets nice hours, way less stressful, kind of a pay cut. School holidays and time off in the Summer.

Trying to be polite Ivory asked "Do you have family to spend that time off with?" "Nope, just me," was his reply. Now was the perfect opportunity to learn his name at least. "I haven't caught your name," Ivory stated with curiosity in her voice. "Razvan." "I'm Ivory." Not wanting to wear out her welcome or be late for work she said "Nice to finally know your name. Have a good day."

A few more days passed and as Ivory would go by on the side street to the school parking lot to go through the drip off line, if they caught each other's attention they would wave and carry on. One morning after Ivory had dropped off her daughter through the drop off line, she was caught in her own little world. Saw Razvan, gave a small wave and then noticed that he was coming closer. She stopped her vehicle abruptly and rolled down the passenger window. "I miss seeing you in the mornings now, said Razvan. Completely caught off guard by this, Ivory was truly at a loss on what to say. All she could think to do was look apologetically at him. He let her drive away.


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