The Professor Next Door

The Professor Next Door

Author:Ela Osaretin



They call her the hot witch.Yeah,Professor Ann is smoky hot but she makes her exams super difficult to achieve even a B. I’m Bradley O’Brien.My life has been pretty easygoing until Professor Ann moved into an apartment next door to me.One day,I stumbled over a package at her door and I realized she’s into BDSM. The intriguing part was that she likes playing the dominant and for the first time in my life,I got curious to know how being a submissive feels like.That slowly got me caught in the web of love and leashes.
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I really don’t know if I should laugh or cry right now.

“An F!”Gary exclaimed and burst out laughing as he stared at my script.

Sighing,I glanced at him.

“What’s yours?”

“F.”He let out amidst laughter and I had to burst out laughing as well.

It was as if he was already prepared to get an F.

I wasn’t.


“Don’t think too much about it,Man.Majority of the class had an F.”

Is that supposed to make me feel better?

Why aren’t I part of the minority?!

“The witch is here.”A girl beside me murmured beneath her breath.

I glanced up to see Professor Annalise Clover walking in gracefully.

From what I know about her….she’s thirty-four….unmarried and mean.

So mean.

Apparently,she appears to be a scholar which had earned her a professor title at thirty.

I’m twenty-four and I’m in my final year in college but it seems like this evil woman wants me to have an extension.

I can vividly remember the first day she walked into the lecture hall at the beginning of this session.

Well,we had heard stories about her from our seniors but I’ve never really seen her up close until that day.

Professor Ann is beautiful.The kind of sweet sixteen beautiful that would make you think she’s in her early twenties.And her shape is to die for.

She held a question and answer session in her first class and that made us instantly dislike her.

Man,it was if we had nothing in our brains.Her questions are out of this world.

Is she purposely doing this?

Does she derive joy from watching students fail?

I think she does because why on earth will I be rocking A’s in most of my other courses and then an F in this one.


At the podium in the lecture hall,Professor Ann delivered what I’ve come to refer to as the disappointment speech.It’s the sixth one in two months.

I couldn’t be more happy when she ended her lecture.

I stared at my script in frustration…I still can’t believe I’m writing this exam again.

When she left the hall,everyone started grumbling…

I walked over to a group of students who seemed to aced the course…

I ran through their scripts trying to figure out just how badly I had performed.

There was a big difference though and I realized I have to buy more textbooks relating to this course.

I just want to be a successful graduate.

Was that too much to ask?


It’s Saturday and I’m lying on my couch,watching a movie.

My phone beeped.

I picked it up and saw that it was a text from Steve,one of my friends.

Steve:Bob’s having a party.You in?

I exhaled.


This isn’t the time for parties when I just failed a course.

But I’m tired of sulking since yesterday and I just wanted to clear my head.


Steve:Club Mars.

There seems to be a lot going on at the hallway.

It had been noisy since morning.

Someone’s probably moving in.

I laid back down on the couch and brought out my cellphone.

I browsed through many textbooks options that I can purchase.

I won’t say I’m a bookworm.

I just believe that there’s time for everything…

Time to fuck..

Time to go clubbing…

Time to engage in plenty other stuff and time to study.

I take my books seriously…

Most people don’t know that…especially the girls I’ve been with.

They often see me as a rakishly handsome guy who certainly won’t have time for his books.

Well…I come from a family of four boys…

I’m the last son and my three brothers are successful as heck.

I do not want to be the black sheep in my family.

At 7:30pm,I was fully dressed to go clubbing and definitely get laid.

I walked out of my apartment and headed up to the elevator.

The doors of the elevator opened and I almost choked on my saliva.

This seems like another version of her…

She wasn’t on any make up.

She’s always on make up in class…always corporately dresses with stiletto heels.

Right now,she’s on a hoodie and joggers.

But she still got that harsh look on her eyes.

Professor fucking Ann.

What’s she doing here?

She got off the elevator and I quickly pulled myself together and tried to be polite.

“Good evening,Professor Ann.”I choked out.

She stared at me from my head to my toe.

“You look kind of familiar.“

“Yeah…I..I’m one of your students.”

She nodded,curtly and walked off.

I swallowed.

God!she’s intimidating.

I turned around and watched her get into the apartment next to mine.

My jaw dropped.

She’s the one who moved in?!



My mood for the party was automatically ruined.

Steve and Gary walked over to my side.

“Man,stop sulking over your grade for fuck’s sake.”

Sighing,I replied.”I wish it was only about my grade.”

“What else?”

“Professor Ann moved in next door to me.”

They both burst out laughing but when they saw how serious I was,their laughter faded.

“Wait.You aren’t joking?”

“I wish I was.”

“Damn!It’s unbearable enough that we have to put up with her in class…now,having her as your neighbor…that’s harsh.”Gary laughed.

Steve tapped my shoulder.

“Well…I don’t think you can do anything about it.Simply try to think positively…You’re just neighbors…you might not see her mean ass everyday.”

Yeah…I don’t get to see most of my neighbors everyday…

I just have to chill and not think about how someone who lives next door had given me a freaking F.


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