Commander Begs for Love Every Night

Commander Begs for Love Every Night



Every night, Lin Chenxi has the same recurring dream, she has a premonition—she's about to travel through time! In a hurried fashion, she sells off her fortune worth tens of billions, and hoards massive amounts of supplies! Finally, a car accident sends her back to the 70s, where she reunites with her deceased family members. "Fortunately, I still have all the space and supplies!" With an abundance of supplies and infinite space, she is determined to ensure that her family live a good life in this impoverished era! Eating meat, buying houses, putting down scum, and rising against odds, she launches a defiant turnaround. Unexpectedly, the head of the military district sticks to her like glue and begs for her affection every night, "Wifey, my stomach hurts, can you rub it for me..."
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In the inky darkness of the night, within the Lin family's opulent mansion, Lin Chenxi suddenly sat up, gasping for air, "The same dream again! What's going on? I've already had it seven times in a row..."

She clutched her head, her heart pounding like a drum, and sweat dripped down her face.

In her dream, she saw a group of pale-faced, thin-to-the-bone individuals aimlessly wandering the streets, the air filled with an oppressive feeling that made it hard for her to breathe.

This dream had occurred seven nights in a row and it was becoming clearer and clearer each time.

Now everyone spoke of science, but these occurrences seemed absurd – yet, she believed in them.

She remembered the words her grandfather had uttered on his deathbed: it felt like everything was predestined!

Before he passed away, her grandfather gave her his precious jade pendant.

"Chenxi, don't be afraid. We are just temporarily separated. We will definitely meet again."

"You must always wear this jade pendant and never give it to anyone else..."

"As long as you have this jade pendant, we...we will meet again soon..." On his last breath, the old man clung onto her hands tightly, just like when he used to take his young granddaughter out to play, afraid that she might get lost.

"Grandfather, I will surely protect the jade pendant. I remembered everything!"

"Good, good, Chenxi..." The old man's hand relaxed and fell, he had no more strength left.

She could never forget the scene from that time.

Lin Chenxi glanced at the mobile phone on her bedside. The screen showed it was seven o'clock in the morning. She kicked off her blanket, stepped onto the soft carpet, and walked towards her study.

There was a family portrait laid out on the desk in her study. She picked it up. Seeing those familiar faces made her feel a pang in her heart.

"XiXi, don't be afraid. We will meet again in another place."

"ChenXi, you have to be strong."

"Little sister, don't cry..."

Lin Chenxi ran her fingers around the edge of the photo, silently reciting her family's words.

She gently caressed the photo, softly murmuring, "Grandpa, perhaps... We will be reunited soon."

With a light flip, Lin Chenxi placed the photo face down on the desk. She rubbed her forehead, then picked up her phone and dialed her secretary.

Her secretary answered, "Hello, President Lin, is there any arrangement for today?"

"Listen, sell all the houses and stocks under my name.” Lin Chenxi was straightforward, no beating around the bush.

Hearing this, the secretary was stunned, wondering, "What's happened?”

Is the company going under?

That must be a joke, who could possibly outdo the Lin family?

Back in the day, the city was full of stories about old Lord Lin's profound knowledge of the occult, combined with the old lady's intelligence, they had laid a firm foundation for the Lin family.

Later, Lin Rongguang, who was Lin Chenxi's father, took over the family business, leading the Lin family to a new peak.

Lin Rongguang and his wife had two children, Lin Chenxi and her brother Lin Haitao.

The siblings were indeed intelligent, earning praise from everyone they met.

However, when the Lin family came into prominence, jealousy took root in many, especially in the household of Lin's elder brother.

They were incredibly discontented.

Before the old master Lin and his wife passed away, their greatest worry had been their beloved daughter, Lin Chenxi, the family's treasured pearl, pampered from her infancy.

Not long after the old master's departure, his wife followed him.

Lin Rongguang found that his uncle started to create trouble not long after his father's passing, attempting to form factions within the company to force him out.

But if Lin Rongguang could make the Lin Corporation prosper, he naturally had ways to deal with these underhand schemers.

Due to this, the uncle's household harbored deep hatred toward Lin Rongguang.

In the end, Lin Rongguang kicked the uncle's family out of the Lin's household. The uncle was helpless against Lin Rongguang and died of fury shortly after.

Years later, on their way home after their honeymoon, Lin Rongguang and his wife, picked up by Lin Haitao, were killed in a tragic car accident. No one survived.

Lin Chenxi lost all her family members in a single day.

At the age of 23, Lin Chenxi found herself carrying the heavy burden of the Lin Corporation.

The uncle's family ever sought to demean her for being a lady, stating she didn't fit to be a CEO, but she never conceded.

She held fast, and gradually, everyone witnessed her strength. The Lin Corporation couldn't function without her.

The uncle's household were all good-for-nothings, who knew nothing beyond indulging themselves in the pleasures of life.

Lin Chenxi had fought alone for seven years, sending all her enemies to jail.

Now, at thirty, she was incredibly wealthy, but deeply lonely.

There was no one left at home to have her back.

Lin Chenxi packed away all the family photos, gave each of the housemaids 200,000 yuan, and let them leave.

Once the housemaids left, she was the only one left in the grand Lin mansion.

Lin Chenxi said, "Enter," and in the blink of an eye, she was already standing on a grassy field.

This was the jade pendant left for her by old man Lin. The Lin family's most mysterious secret!


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